How it all started...
Life of Love Ministry Center was established by Jason and Shelly Abney giving God their YES! March 2018, Jason heard the Lord speak three times, 'go to Martinsville and start a work.' Thurs., October 4, 2018, eighteen people began meeting at the Jimmy Nash City Park. We have consistently grown and enlarged our area, by the leading of Holy Spirit, in His perfect timing. God's presence rests well and ministers to the lives of the people, bringing constant change and growth. We continue to be a debt-free Ministry. Our foundational pillars are: LOVE, IDENTITY, FREEDOM and ENOUNTER. "Love on the people well, where they can see how God sees them, bringing His identity to them, which leads them into freedom and a true encounter with Him." Live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave himself as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2 (NCV) .

Expanding the vision...
After meeting at the Jimmy Nash City Park for 5 months, LOLMC began meeting at the Martinsville Youth Center. We set-up and tore down each Sunday; holding three services each Sunday. This was such a precious time for us as we grew as a congregation and connected with many believers who attended other churches during our 6:00 p.m. service. The Lord definitely touched many lives during these nine months of gowth.
February 2020, we began building out the former CrossFit building at 265 S. Morton Ave., Martinsville, IN. Twelve of us also visited Bowling Green, KY, where Pastor Todd Smith, from the North GA Revival was hosting the infamous Water Immersion Service. It was at this time, Pastor Todd heard of Martinsville's healing waters from years ago. In the early 1900's, many people from all around the world, including Princes, visited our 12 Sanitariums where healing bathes were prescribed for those who were ill. We shared with him how the Lord's redemptive plan for our city, is Healing. Pastor Todd accepted the invitation and in spite of the cv-19 pandemic, Life of Love MC hosted him June 21 & 22, 2020, with over 150 people in attendance. Since April '21, we have hosted the Water Immersion Service, the last Sunday of each month at 6:00 P.M. We are just amazed and thrilled at the remarkable healings that the people are experiencing; physical, soul, emotional, and spiritual healings all are prevalent.
February 2020, we began building out the former CrossFit building at 265 S. Morton Ave., Martinsville, IN. Twelve of us also visited Bowling Green, KY, where Pastor Todd Smith, from the North GA Revival was hosting the infamous Water Immersion Service. It was at this time, Pastor Todd heard of Martinsville's healing waters from years ago. In the early 1900's, many people from all around the world, including Princes, visited our 12 Sanitariums where healing bathes were prescribed for those who were ill. We shared with him how the Lord's redemptive plan for our city, is Healing. Pastor Todd accepted the invitation and in spite of the cv-19 pandemic, Life of Love MC hosted him June 21 & 22, 2020, with over 150 people in attendance. Since April '21, we have hosted the Water Immersion Service, the last Sunday of each month at 6:00 P.M. We are just amazed and thrilled at the remarkable healings that the people are experiencing; physical, soul, emotional, and spiritual healings all are prevalent.
Where we are headed...
As Pastors, our hearts are always to follow Jesus' lead. From the beginning of LOL's inception, Pastor Jason had a vision; 'Jesus was standing in front of me and rolling a stone. It had a log through it. He was wearing a white robe with a purple sash. He said, "stay behind Me, I am crushing every obstacle in front of you. Do not look around it, do not get in front of me, or you will be crushed."

Pastors Jason & Shelly Abney were Ordained on Oct. 19, 2021, through Kingdom Ready Ministries, by Pastors Todd & Karen Smith.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am for Prayer and 11 am service.